Consultancy Services for Boards of Trustees

What we Offer

Board Training - NAG#1 (e)

The National Administration Guideline #1(e) reads :

Each board, through the principal and staff, is required to: in consultation with the school's Māori community, develop and make known to the school's community policies, plans and targets for improving the achievement of Māori students;

iSCHOOLS Limited offers training for Boards of Trustees to better understand this NAG requirement. Our training can be customised to cover :

Why consult with the Māori community ?

Stakeholder vs Partners

How best to consult with Māori

Relationships with school whānau and local iwi

Brokering a Partnership with Māori

Facilitating Hui

iSCHOOLS Limited has consultants who can work with schools to broker the relationship between the school and the Māori community. This may include facilitating consultation hui or accompanying school boards to meet local iwi at local marae.

iSCHOOLS will identify key Māori representatives in the local community who could assist us to broker a strong partnership with Māori and the school.

We can be involved in this process as little or as much as the board requires.

Call us now - Karen will come and meet with you to discuss how best to meet the needs of your school.